Latest estimates for 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 based on TopHap automated valuation model (AVM).
+$757K above Sold Price
Updated 13 months ago
10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 is valued at $1,056,000 by TopHap AVM 13 months ago.
11 years ago
10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 was last sold in 2013 for $299,000.
Information about the current owner(s).
In 2023, taxes billed for 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 were $4,701.49, which is 1.29% from latest Total Assessed Value of $365,810.
10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 has undefined property events records (listings, deeds, permits, tax, foreclosure, loan).
Environmental factors around 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2
12 hazards (Carbon Monoxide, Earthquake Risk, Hail Index, Tornado Index, Hurricane Index, Air Pollution Index, Ozone Index, Wind Index, Weather Risk, Lead Index, Particulate Matter, National Average) are above the national average around 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2.
Most Walkable
Very Walkable
Somewhat Walkable
Car Dependent
10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 has a walkability score of 4 out of 20, which means that it is in a car dependent area.
Quiet Suburban Residential 0-49
Suburban Residential 50-54
Urban Residential 55-59
Noisy Urban Residential 60-64
Very Noisy Urban Residential 65+
Noise at 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 is around 44dBs, which is comparable to a Quiet Suburban Residential area.
Seasonal temperature sampled over multiple years
In the winter at 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2, temperatures range from 40.78°F to 66.79°F with an average of 53.79°F. In the summer, the temperature ranges from 58.08°F to 91.57°F with and average of 74.83°F.
Public/private schools serving 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2
Nearby public schools serving 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 have ratings undefined, undefined, and undefined.
This property is located in Bloomington, Bloomington, CA 92316.
Boundary map of Bloomington.
The crime index in 92316 is 47, which is 0.5 times lower than national average.
of housing is for seasonal rent.
of people during work hours.
Historical market data near 10965 Spruce Ave 1 2 over selected time period.