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Consider different metrics before you cry recession
There are very few reference points that this generation of working Americans can view to give guidance in these uncertain times. The savings and loan crisis of the 90s is not very relevant. The bust of 2000? Nope. The post 9/11 market? No. Even if all of these offer some degree of wisdom, they’re


What if there was a map to real estate knowledge?
When the original computers were first invented, the theory was that there would only be four computers in the entire world. A couple governments and a couple industry experts would have the only computing power in the world because frankly, they were too confusing and too complex for the average person. The power was undeniable,


Interest rate increases do not affect your payment as much as you think
There are few things more terrifying to a soon to be home buyer than rising interest rates. Most potential buyers know the areas they want. They’ve identified the neighborhoods they like, the schools they want, the size and type of house they’re gunning for, and they’re just waiting for the right house to pop up.


What’s right for you is not in the headlines
Mike and Whitney were extremely excited when they put their deposit down on the new build in Eagle, Idaho. Mike worked for law enforcement in a larger, more crowded state and Whitney was trying to make being a stay at home mom work, but the crime rate and danger associated with Mike’s employment were eroding


Beware the Jabberwocky and zero down deals
The Jabberwocky from Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland terrified me as a kid, but honestly, the entire story terrified me. This poor little girl falling down this rabbit hole and going into an alternate dimension… not my cup of tea when I was 5 years old. The lasting appeal of the story, however, comes from


You never get it both ways
“The issue is the Bend market,” David told me. “We can’t pull the trigger and move until the market corrects in Bend because if we move now, we’ll get less for our house than we would have six months ago.” I understood what he meant. The Bend market had softened a bit, but I asked,


The Fed doesn’t control your home equity
There are few things that horrify the American consumer more than yelling, “The Fed is raising interest rates!!!!” People searching for affordable homes see their hopes go up in smoke. Existing home owners see their equity disappear even faster. The cost of everything in the entire world goes up while the money people have to


A clear path forward for the average investor
It’s almost impossible to go through a financial crisis and NOT hear some wealthy investor on CNN talking about how it was the best time of his or her investing life. It’s always the same story. “I saw opportunity when everyone else saw horror.” I’ve heard this many times over my life, but for the


How exactly is the market crashing?
When Chicken Little screamed the sky was falling, everyone panicked, but we all know how the story ends. The sky stayed intact, and upon hearing the story, children learned to not listen to everyone screaming and running for the hills. It seems that real estate is a perpetual teaching machine, and for the last three
